Cat Blood Tests

Monitoring the health of your pet is crucial, as they may not exhibit visible signs of illness.

Blood tests are a very easy way to get excellent information on your pet’s inner workings. We have the ability to do some blood tests in the clinic but can also send out samples to our referral lab for more complex tests. For sick pets, blood tests help us form a treatment plan to try and help your pet recover as well as aiding in monitoring their progress during treatment.

Why does my kitty need a blood screen?

Blood tests can detect disease before it becomes visibly apparent in your pet. Wellness testing in this manner is recommended for senior pets at their annual visit but can be done at any time. Early detection of disease can save your pet’s life and help us make treatment decisions in the best interest of you and your pet.

How long does it take to get blood test results?

Depending on the nature of the problem your pet is facing and what we are testing for, some tests can be done right here in the clinic, and results typically only take 15-30 minutes. More advanced testing or non-urgent problems can have the blood samples sent out, and results are typically back within the next 1-3 days, depending on the type of test.

What precautions should I take before a blood test?

For any wellness testing or routine testing, fasting for 12 hours may be recommended.

How often should blood tests be done?

Blood tests may be recommended whenever your pet is sick. As part of preventative or wellness screening, we recommend blood tests be done annually, particularly more so as your pet ages into their senior years.

Do you also do urinalysis and biopsy?

A urinalysis or fecal exam can be a crucial part of diagnosing many medical problems. In the case of fecal exams, some potentially transmissible infections can be detected and help protect your family. Urine samples can be collected in the clinic (and is necessary in some cases) whereas a fecal sample must be brought in by you. Biopsies would be under surgery, not blood/urinalysis.

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